About Us
Dia's Market is a curated, specialty grocery store and deli in Austin, Texas - specifically in the 78757 zip, serving friends and neighbors in Crestview, Brentwood, Highland, Wooten, Allandale and beyond. Dia's is a micro-grocer, responding to your food needs in a unique, healthy, friendly and convenient way.
When we moved to Austin in 2007, we knew very little about the city but somehow lucked out by moving into the Crestview/Brentwood neighborhood, one of the coolest 'hoods in Austin. David loves food and has long dreamt of opening his own specialty food market, so we talked about it on and off for years but the time never seemed "right" as our family kept growing and we welcomed three amazing little Austinites into our home and 'hood. Over this time, David continued to work in the local grocery industry and even got a business degree.
Finally we decided to go for it! So we found the perfect location in Crestview, signed a lease and began the construction process. And in June 2016, Dia's Market opened its doors.
All of us at Dia's Market love and appreciate feedback from you so please tell us if we're doing something right or wrong, if you don't see your favorite products on our shelves yet, or if you have an idea for an awesome event. We're all ears! And mouths too of course.
And if you're wondering where the name came from (other than being the Spanish word for "day" which is also applicable), our children's first initials are "D", "I" and "A".